Compound Planning Grows to $3 Billion in AUM; Adds $1.2 Billion Advisor Team

Track your net worth automatically

Compound integrates with thousands of providers including banks, 401k plans, credit cards,and cap table managers so that your personal balance sheet is always up-to-date.

Track your net worth automatically

Compound integrates with thousands of providers including banks, 401k plans, credit cards,and cap table managers so that your personal balance sheet is always up-to-date.

Compound Dashboard
As featured in
Powerful technology

Track every account

We integrate with thousands of providers including banks, 401ks, cap tables, crypto exchanges, and more so that your personal balance sheet is always up to date.

Company equity
Private real estate
Crypto and more

Digital planning experience

Our dashboard automatically tracks your net worth, models your taxes, organizes your financial documents, and projects your cash flow.

Net worth monitoring
Cash Flow Planning *
Tax Simulation *
Encryption Icon
Document Storage

* Advanced features available with advisory relationship

Safe and secure

Our users and clients trust us with their most sensitive financial data. We take this responsibility extremely seriously by operating state-of-the-art security and compliance programs.

Net worth monitoring icon
Servers and networking
Operational security